elisa + laia

four. that’s the number of sessions I have done with these two. it’s also the new number of family members in their house. during the summer I got a call from Elisa about doing another sessions for their growing family. I have to say that when you’ve done several sessions with one same family it can start to feel challenging to bring something new to the table. After agreeing on a mountainside setting, we enjoyed a little picnic together and started the session. Little Emma is not so little anymore and she provided plenty of photo ops and entertainment throughout the day. I love how curious toddlers are, and she wanted to know everything I was doing, would even come up to me and pull on the camera to see herself on the back. Smart kid! Something tells me she’s had plenty of pictures taken in the past. Something else tells me, they’re not done taking photos of her just yet.












Author: adina noel

i am an international portrait and wedding photographer based out of bilbao, spain. i love spending time finding new coffee spots and traveling as much as i possibly can. i am addicted to chocolate, chick flicks, and hitting the gym daily. when i am not doing any of the above i am likely to be found playing my acoustic guitar in some random corner of the house, dropping lyrics like a bad habit. That's all you need to know for now... keep reading and learn more! ;)

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